kamrunag lake gold story
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History of kamrunag and kamrunag lake gold story: 5 Things you should know

kamrunag bada dev

kamrunag aka bada dev temple is located in mandi district of himachal. in front of this temple famous kamrunag lake is situated. This lake is famously known for golden treasure hidden inside it. In this article we will learn about the story of kamrunag and its gold lake.

History of Dev kamrunag and connection with Mahabharat

During the great war of mahabharat, there was a warrior named Balbarik he was the son of Ghatotakach who was the son of bheem and devi hadimba. He wanted to join the weaker side ie kauravs in mahabharat. Due to the boon from lord shiva balbarik became an invincible warrior and him joining kauravs side would make them victorious in the war. So to avoid this outcome lord Shree krishna asked balbarik his head. Balbrik agreed to this on one condition that Lord will let him watch the Mahabharat war.After the war Lord krishna blessed him that his head will be worshiped as Khatu Shyam and his body will be worshipped as kamru.

kamrunag lake gold story

kamrunag lake gold starts wuth pandavs as it was constructed by thems. When Pandavs came to meet Dev Kamrunag, Dev Kamrunag said that he was thirsty so Bhima struck the earth and a lake of water appeared from his hand. Also, while leaving, all the gold and silver was thrown into this lake. since then there is a tradition of offering gold in this lake. Devotees come to this temple and offer gold in this lake so that there wishes may come true. It is said that the amount of kamrunag lake gold and the depth of the lake is unkown to makind.

How to reach kamrunag dev temple

First you have to reachto mandi district of himachal pradesh. From there you need to reach to a place called Rohanda which is a distance of about 33 km from mandi. It will take you about 1 hour to reach there by your vehicle. From Rohanda there is beautiful and steep trek of approximately 6km. If you are a trekking lover you can read more related articles about trekking here. After that you will find peaceful place where Dev karunaag is there and in front of the temple kamrunag lake is situated.

Best time to visit kamrunag- kamrunag mela

kamrunag mela (fair) is held in the month of June every year, perhaps this is the best time to visit kamrunag temple. According to Hindu calender it the day of saaj of aashadh month. Hundereds of pilgrims visit kamrunag temple to seek the blessings of bada dev during the kamrunag fair.

This was a full detailed article about Kamrunag dev. If you still find something was missing or you want to add something to the topic, feel free to drop a comment in our comment box below. Also share this article with your friend and family who are interested in knowing about the history of kamrunag lake gold story, Thankyou.

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